The Miracle Blog

Sarah’s Journey

Sarah’s journey as a foster mother has been nothing short of inspiring. With four biological children, she understood the joy and fulfillment of being a parent. However, when expanding her family biologically was no longer available, Sarah bravely decided to become a foster mother. Her primary goal was not only to provide a loving home but also to work towards reuniting children with their birth parents.

The road to fostering was not without its challenges. Sarah vividly recalls her first placement—a heart-pounding emergency call at 3 am. By 7 am, a baby arrived at her house with nothing more than a diaper, and that marked the beginning of her journey as a foster mother.

One significant struggle Sarah faced was the overwhelming amount of paperwork documenting every aspect of the children’s lives. The paperwork was never-ending, from behaviors to medications to activities the children partook in, like going to the park. Sarah recalled filling out two pages every other day for each child, a daunting and time-consuming task that ultimately took away precious moments she could have spent showering the children with love and care.

Sarah’s determination never faltered. Her ultimate goal was always clear—to positively impact the lives of the children in her care. Sarah’s experiences took a remarkable turn when her agency introduced her to FosterShare™, an innovative app designed to streamline the documentation process and improve communication. Sarah candidly shared, “You often hear horror stories about families and agencies getting into foster care for the wrong reasons, like money. But that’s not the case with my agency. I genuinely care about the safety and well-being of my children, and knowing that my agency is available to answer any questions at any time has been incredibly reassuring.” FosterShare quickly became Sarah’s lifeline, revolutionizing how she managed the paperwork and interacted with her Case Manager. The user-friendly interface allowed her to easily report and keep track of behaviors. 

FosterShare facilitated seamless communication and information sharing between Sarah and everyone involved in the children’s foster care ecosystem. The app ensured everyone was on the same page, working together to provide the best possible care for each child. Sarah felt connected and supported, knowing effective communication was crucial in fostering a nurturing and stable environment.

No longer buried under mountains of paperwork, Sarah regained valuable time she could devote to her biological children and those in her care. Through the app’s streamlined documentation process and improved communication, Sarah regained valuable time to focus on what truly matters—the well-being and happiness of the children she cares for. FosterShare has transformed her role as a foster mother, allowing her to create a loving and nurturing environment where these children can thrive.

Miracle Foundation

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