The Miracle Blog

City Hall Proclamation Reaffirms Austin’s Commitment to Youth in Foster Care

On May 30th, a significant step was taken for the foster care community in Austin. Council Member Ryan Alter, on behalf of the Mayor and the City of Austin, declared May 30th as Foster Care Day through a powerful proclamation. This proclamation declared the city’s collective dedication to children and youth impacted by foster care.

The proclamation recognized the urgent need to support these vulnerable children and outlined Austin’s commitment to creating an environment where every child can thrive and reach their full potential. It highlighted the importance of providing the best possible care for youth in the foster system and supporting initiatives that set young people up for success as they transition from foster care to adulthood.

With over 300,000 children in the foster care system nationwide, the need for such a commitment is evident. On average, children in foster care move from home to home 8 times during their time in the foster care system, which means experiencing 8 different houses, families, and schools. This instability can severely impact their emotional and educational development.

Additionally, about 20,000 children age out of the system each year with little to no support or connection to resources. With one-quarter of the homeless population in the U.S. being youth who have been in foster care, the need for resources for these children can not be understated. 

The challenges extend to those working within the system as well. Case managers and families involved in foster care face high turnover rates due to the lack of connections and burnout from the overwhelming amount of paperwork. This turnover further exacerbates the instability of children in the system. By issuing this proclamation, the City of Austin has taken a stand and stated its mission to make a lasting difference in the lives of children and youth in foster care.

Our CEO, Leslie, had the honor of speaking at the proclamation event alongside the CEO and Founder of our partner organization, Change One, and one of our esteemed board members and child advocate Katie Olse. This proclamation serves as a powerful reminder of the work that lies ahead in advocating for and supporting children and youth in foster care.

June 20, 2024 CATEGORY: News
Miracle Foundation

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