Our Team: Staff: USA

Margot Banks

Development Coordinator

Margot Banks is a passionate advocate for child welfare and has almost a decade of experience working with non-profit organizations. Her journey with the Miracle Foundation began as an intern in 2014, and she has rejoined the team as the Development Coordinator, bringing her expertise in management and coordination. Throughout her career, Margot has visited schools and orphanages across countries like Colombia and Nepal, driven by a commitment to improving the lives of children globally.

At Miracle Foundation she looks forward to working alongside our development team to continue community outreach and donor stewardship, as well as project coordination. She received her Master of Science in Social Work from Columbia University in New York, and a Bachelor of Social Work from the University of Texas at Austin.

In her free time Margot finds joy in reading historical fiction novels, playing with her beloved dogs, and indulging in her love for karaoke.

Miracle Foundation

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