The Miracle Blog

The Heartbeat of Miracle Foundation

Cathy’s journey with our organization began with a short weekend retreat with our founder, Caroline, which deeply moved her. Meeting Caroline and hearing her story sparked something within Cathy—a desire to be part of something meaningful.

“When I heard her story,” Cathy recalls, “It cracked my heart wide open. After hearing those things, I knew right away I wanted to be a part of it.” 

Caroline’s passion and dedication to helping children inspired her to take action. In 2001, a year after Miracle Foundation was founded, Cathy and her friends hosted a casserole fundraiser, supporting the cause by raising awareness and funds. 

Their involvement deepened as Cathy and her husband, Alan, witnessed the organization grow. They wanted to consistently commit to supporting Miracle’s work by becoming monthly donors and a part of our Heartbeat Community. “We decided that we wanted to donate on a monthly basis. It was, okay, let’s try this, and now it’s built into our budget. We wanted to donate monthly to be a continued part of the work Miracle Foundation was doing. Logistically, it’s just easier putting it on a draft in our bank …we don’t have to make the decision every month,” Cathy explained. Becoming a monthly donor was “a practical way” to ensure ongoing support for the cause, Alan, and she believed in. 

This dedicated and predictable support is truly why we call our community of monthly donors our Heartbeat Community; they are the heartbeat of this organization. Their continued support allows us to grow, plan, and scale our impact. Donors like Cathy and Alan truly make our work possible and are a large reason we can continue our work, grow our impact, and celebrate our 24th anniversary this year! 

Being part of our Heartbeat Community isn’t just about financial contributions for Cathy and Alan. It’s about making a real difference in the lives of vulnerable children. “The kids need it,” she affirmed. “Children are so vulnerable if they do not have any support. Now we see your work in Foster Care and think, ‘Look at the Miracle Foundation go.’ It is another great thing the foundation is doing.”  

When asked what kept her family donating monthly for more than a decade, she reflected on how our work has expanded over the years and our pivot away from orphanages towards ensuring a family for every child. She said, “I see a true flexibility and willingness to find new ways to help.” 

These monthly donors get to see the impact of their generosity over time and the changes and growth of our work, and we are so grateful to have them along on the journey! Members of our Heartbeat Community, like Cathy and Alan, allow us to make a continued impact because of their consistent giving. Learn more about our Heartbeat Community here.

Miracle Foundation

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